- Light duty actuators
- Compact size
- Efficient design
- Easy to use and install
- Rugged duty actuators
- IP65 rating as standard
- High performance motors
- Patentented in-line load transfer
- Heavy wall rod and cover tube
- Up to 9800 Nm load capacity
For assistance with specification or application call us on 0161 6288497 now or click here
Actuator Controls
P1-DC - Electronic Stroke Limit Control
The P1-DC Control provides end of stroke stopping by turning off power to the motor via an on board relay. Input power polarity must be reversed for the actuator to move again. The control uses solid-state hall effect sensors in combination with electronic dynamic braking to accurately stop at the end of stroke travel. The sensors are non- adjustable and are mounted inside the actuator cover tube for protection where they are switched via a non- contact magnet attached to the rod. The switches are sealed for life and will never wear out.
P2-DC - Position Feedback Control
The P2-DC is a microprocessor position feedback control providing a 0 -10 volt analog output throughout actuator travel. The control uses two inductive pulse count sensors and a counting wheel to accurately determine position. A third sensor at the full retract position serves as the home or zero position. Factory set end limits turn power off to the motor via a relay until power polarity is reversed. All sensors are non-contact and sealed for life. They are integrated inside the B-Track actuator to protect them from the environment

For more information about our wrap springs, electromagnetic clutch brakes, tension controls or linear actuators, please contact our friendly team on:
+44 161 628 8497 or enquiries@djautomation.net